Tuesday, 10 November 2009

A Well Needed Tutorial

Was very grateful for the tutorial yesterday as i felt i was going in circles and not progressing much. The individual feedback i got was to deal with the areas of my pattern that may cause problems later on due to their curved and pointed nature, try and make these areas more rectilinear. In addition to this to think about the scale where change in levels and route though the pattern, and the areas where you get a sense of the circle.




Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Further Pattern Exploration And Models

After the previous tutorial i had to develop my pattern further. With the new patterns i have tried to look at the negative and intersecting points of the circles to generate a more interesting pattern. This created clusters of spaces which then sprawled out. Furthermore the model and the patterns still give a sense of the circle which the pattern was generated from. In addition to this with the model i have used extrusions as well as changing levels a generated a 3d model from the chosen patterns.

Small Test Models of Pattern 2

Larger Scale Model Pattern 4

Work for Mon 2nd Nov tutorial

Pattern Variation Three

David Lynch - At The Tate!!

Mapping The Lost Highway: New Perspectives on David Lynch

Friday: Blue Velvet Showing

"was not as weird as i thought it would be"

Saturday: Symposium

The Tate Modern is in fact one of the four weekly site visits (week 5). Didn't get time to sketch. But did have time to walk around the building and look at it in more depth to help with later sketching.

Sunday: Inland Empire Showing

Pre Fab - Kim House

Pattern Varation

Four Weekly Site Visit 09

Donnybrook Housing

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Model Construction Continued....

This is how the model looks when folded, so it doesn't take up much of our unit space.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Four Weekly Site Visits Week 04, 09,10

I visted a few in one day due to there locality of the buildings

Week 04 Stephen Lawrence Centre David Adjaye

Week 09 Donnybrook Housing - Peter Barber

Week 10 Royal Observatory - Sir Christopher Wren

Four Weekly Site Visits

Four Weekly Site Visits is an assignment each week of the first term. Where unit 9 visit one project and study it though photography and annotated diagrams and diagrams.

Four Weekly Site Visits is a book published by our tutor Robert Thum. Last year further books from the unit were published and can be brought from the link below.



Task: Collect patterns between homogeneity and heterogeneity

The patterns I collected were patterns derived from art.
Excluding pattern 3 which is a plant call structure.

Pattern 1: Theo Van Doesburg Counter-Composition VI 1925

Pattern 2: Composition with Yellow, Blue and Red by Piet Mondrian (1937 - 1942).

Pattern 3:Plant Cell Structure

Pattern 4:Paul Klee. Monument in Fertile Country. 1929. Watercolor.

Pattern 5:Frank Stella – Harran II

Simple diagrams of rules that generates the pattern.

Constructing Unit Site Model

Currently we are working on a 1:500 model of the site.

Envision a city ideal!


Books we currently reading.

Delirious New York: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan by Rem Koolhaas


refabricating ARCHITECTURE: How Manufacturing Methodologies are Poised to Transform Building Construction by Stephen Kieran, James Timberlake


The Site - Greenwich Peninsula

The Greenwich Peninsula currently has a master plan for the area. Currently there is an information kiosk on the proposed Greenwich Peninsula just behind the green wall on site by the O2. The kiosk has information on the master plan including models like the one above. Unit 9 proposal for the site this year is a Media Block.